


  • All India Trade Tests (AITT) are conducted by the DGT under the aegis of National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) for its various schemes.
  • AITT under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) is conducted twice a year for more than 20 Lakh candidates. The trainees of NCVT affiliated trades/units and eligible private candidates appear in this exam. Admission, Hall Ticket generation, Result Declaration and issuance of marksheets & Certificates are done through NCVT MIS portal w.e.f. admission session August 2014

Table : Examinations Conducted by DGT

Sl. No. Name of the Scheme / Tests Year 2023
    Trades Tests
1 All India Trade Test of Craftsmen under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) 155 2
2 All India Trade Test of Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (ATS)    
3 All India Trade Test of Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) 55 2
4 All India Trade Test under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS Dual Mode) 155 2
5 All India Trade Test of Craftsmen under the scheme "Centre of Excellence (C.O.E)(BBBT & Advance Modules) 21 sector 2
6 All India Trade Test under Flexi MoU Scheme 4 Industry Training Partners On demand
  • Theory Examinations for CTS, ATS and CITS are conducted in CBT mode by the DGT. The Practical Examinations are conducted by the respective institutes/ establishments.
  • National Trade Certificates (NTCs) are awarded to the successful candidates of AITT of CTS. National Trade Certificate is a recognized qualification for recruitment to relevant posts and services in Central/State Government/Private establishments.
  • The marksheets and NTCs are issued electronically, with digital signature and embedded QR codes, to enhance transparency and provide ease in verification.